Includes Captain Hook and Skelly LEGO DUPLO figures Accessories include 2 flags, a flower and a trophy Also features 2 sail wagons
Race Captain Hook and Skelly! Build a tree for some shade on the beach! See how many different sail wagons you and your child can build
Help your child master basic building skills with this model! Develops creativity and construction skills
LEGO DUPLO products are specially designed to be fun and easy for younger hands
Sail wagons each measure over 7" high, 4" long and 2" wide Tree measures over 4" high, 6" wide and 2" deep
Go racing around Never Land Island! Use all the LEGO DUPLO bricks to make the best sail wagon racers for Captain Hook and Skully, then jump on and get ready to go! Who will cross the line first and win the trophy This great LEGO DUPLO brand Jake and the Never Land Pirates set lets you and your child create and play in a wonderful pirate world of adventures. Includes Captain Hook and Skully DUPLO figures. Brand: LEGO, Model: 6061836
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