LEGO Disney Princess Ariel's Magical Kiss 41052

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  • Includes 2 mini-doll figures: Ariel and Prince Eric; Includes a boat with oars and a flag
  • Features a royal palace with dining room, bellflower lamp, roof terrace, flags, railings, flowers and telescope, a gazebo boardwalk
  • Also features a lagoon with a tree and a frog; Accessories include a picnic basket, croissant, banana, apple, royal crown and 2 heart-shaped diamonds
  • Royal palace measures over 5" high, 5" wide and 3" deep; Gazebo boardwalk measures over 2" high, 2" wide and 3" deep
  • Lagoon measures over 1" high, 2" wide and 1" deep; Boat measures over 4" long and 1" wide and under 1" high

  • Enjoy a magical boat ride with Ariel and Prince Eric in the lagoon by the palace! Come with Ariel as she seeks to break a magic spell! The enchanted mermaid has traded her voice for a chance to be with the lovely Prince Eric. Only a kiss from his royal lips will break the spell! Take a romantic boat ride with her true love where they meet a frog and stop at the tree in the secluded lagoon. Have a beautiful picnic by the sea or a romantic meal in the dining room of the palace. And when Ariel wants to see what is happening in the world she left behind, go to the telescope on the balcony and take a look. Includes 2 mini-doll figures: Ariel and Prince Eric. Includes 2 mini-doll figures: Ariel and Prince Eric Features a royal palace with dining room, bellflower lamp, roof terrace, flags, railings, flowers and telescope, a gazebo boardwalk, plus a lagoon with a tree and a frog Includes a boat with oars and a flag Accessories include a picnic basket, croissant, banana, green apple, royal crown and 2 heart-shaped diamonds Enjoy a delicious lunch in the castle dining room Let Ariel look through the telescope towards her home under the sea Take a romantic boat ride past the lagoon Stop for a picnic by the sea Royal palace measures over 5" (13cm) high, 5" (13cm) wide and 3" (9cm) deep Gazebo boardwalk measures over 2" (7cm) high, 2" (6cm) wide and 3" (10cm) deep Lagoon measures over 1" (5cm) high, 2" (6cm) wide and 1" (5cm) deep Boat measures over 4" (11cm) long and 1" (3cm) wide and under 1" (2cm) high
    Brand: Disney, Model: 6061735

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