Adjustable boost pillow provides the lift baby needs to create the perfect angle for you and baby
Boost pillow flips from side to side as baby changes nursing positions
Firm contoured support lessens strain on back and shoulders
Use pillows together or separately. Smaller booster pillow is velcro adjustable
Boost pillow is the ideal size for travel
Every parent needs a little "boost" when it comes to taking care of a newborn, and feeding needs and styles are as individual as your baby. The Natural Boost was created with that in mind. Natural Boost is a nursing pillow and boost pillow combo that allows you to select the feeding angle and position that is just right for both you and your baby. The boost pillow flips from side to side as baby's feeding angles and needs change, it can even be removed and used by itself for travel when space is limited. Remove boost pillow and use the nursing pillow by itself as baby grows. The versatility of the Natural Boost will take you through many feeding stages. Brand: Leachco, Model: 13510, Color: Denim
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