Le Toy Van Castle Playset, Excalibur Castle - Blue

Le Toy Van
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  • PERFECT FOR IMAGINATIVE FUN - This Le Toy Van Castle Playset is an exciting new castle and perfect for imaginative fun. Excalibur Castle is a complete blue painted wooden castle on a baseboard.
  • MIX AND MATCH - You can mix and match with other figures to create a new team. It is easy for children to play with them and place them in their pretend play settings.
  • REALISTIC DETAILS - The Excalibur Castle has realistic details, including an opening drawbridge. It has a prison tower, winch, flag and ladder, it has three Towers, with one being three stories tall; All pieces attach to a baseboard.
  • MADE OF WOOD - Le Toy Van toys are all made of wood, with exquisitely painted details. It is fully decorated wooden castle and provides a spacious courtyard for large sword plays where you can keep a watchful eye over the castle.
  • PRODUCT DESCRIPTION - Perfectly scaled for Budkins characters and any other figurines around 10cm tall. The Papo Excalibur Castle sits on a 18 inches x 20 inches base and recommended for kids 3 years and older.

  • Le Toy Van Wooden Blue Excalibur Castle
    Brand: Le Toy Van, Model: TV235, Color: Blue, grey

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