Lansinoh LatchAssist Nipple Everter, 1 Count, 2 Flange Sizes, to Draw Out Flat or Inverted Nipples for breastfeeding mothers, Assists Nursing Babies in Latching On, BPS and BPA Free

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  • Lansinoh LatchAssist Nipple Everter is a non-invasive small and convenient tool that gently draws out flat or inverted nipples, conditions that happen due to engorgement or swelling; once nipple is pulled, baby can easily latch and continue breastfeeding
  • Each LatchAssist comes with two flange sizes (19mm and 24mm) to ensure proper fit. Choose your size, then gently squeeze the bulb to creating minimal suction to draw out the nipple so that baby can properly latch on, enabling the natural breastfeeding bond
  • The LatchAssist Nipple Everter is a better option for gently drawing the nipple out, rather than using a breastpump, which can cause the engorgement to worsen; the amount of strength can be easily managed safely by the mother
  • The Lansinoh LatchAssist Nipple Everter is easy to use and clean, made of silicone and gentle for moms. Two flanges are included to ensure proper fit and reduce friction or irritation of the nipple.
  • TRUSTED FOR MORE THAN 30 YEARS: Started by a breastfeeding mom, Lansinoh products like Lansinoh lanolin have been trusted for decades by both mothers and healthcare professionals to provide safe, effective breastfeeding support; BPS and BPA free

  • Latchassist nipple everter is a simple tool to help nipples temporarily stand out so that it is easier for baby to establish a good latch, the first step to a successful breastfeeding experience.
    Brand: Lansinoh, Model: L01020008, Color: Multicolor, Size: Universal

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