Kurt Adler Glass Icicle Christmas Ornaments 12 Piece

Kurt Adler
Out Of Stock


  • Measures approximately 5.5"

  • Looking for a new and natural way to decorate your Christmas tree this year Stun and impress your houseguests with the breathtaking beauty of the Clear Glass Icicle Ornament, Set of 12. These ornaments resemble the fragile and exquisite image of natural icicles but without the cold and wet mess. Each ornament is 5.5 inches long, so no one will miss them dangling from your tree. The spun glass gives each piece the perfect detailing to look like real icicles have formed on your tree from dripping and freezing water. The clear glass will look amazing on traditional green trees, or designer trees of any color. Make your tree stand out this year with these classy and delicate pieces. Finally, you can have icicles that will stay all season without snapping off or melting! Emulate the natural decoration that you see outside, or bring the winter phenomena to warmer climates.
    Brand: Kurt Adler, Model: J2057, Color: Clear

    Custom Tab 01

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