KT Tape Pro Extreme Therapeutic Elastic Kinesiology Sports Tape, 20 Pre cut 10 inch Strips, 100% Synthetic Water Resistant Breathable, Pro & Olympic Choice
FOR SERIOUS ATHLETES - The most advanced kinesiology tape, made from 100% synthetic fabric to last far longer than other brands. Lightweight, latex free, comfortable, provides both support & mobility, and includes safety reflective print & carry case.
STRONG ADHESIVE - Latest technology that sticks for days with effective skin preparation. Our synthetic, moisture-wicking, breathable fabric provides maximum water, sweat, and humidity resistance. And the precut rounded corners help avoid frays.
EASY TO USE - Ready-to-use precut strips are perfect for tape applications. No need for messy cutting with long, uncut rolls of tape. Easy to self-apply using our free instruction videos for dozens of common injury areas. Contact us with questions.
HOW IT WORKS - KT Tape helps reduce tissue pressure and provide muscle support, helping you recover faster from pain. Just ask one of our Pro or Olympic athletes who rely on KT Tape when pain is present and when championships are on the line.
CAUTION - Beware of unauthorized dealers selling KT Tape. Buy with confidence in our superior quality, warranty, and impeccable customer service when you buy from an authorized KT Tape dealer: Amazon, KT Tape, or Theratape.
Specially formulated extra-strength adhesive for extreme conditions: water activities, high heat, high humidity, and for those with oily skin helps relieve pain and supports movement creates neuromuscular feedback and facilitates stronger firing of muscles and tendons easy to use pre-cut strips - each reinforced with 100% synthetic fibers how to use step-by-step videos on KT tape's YouTube channel not clinically proven for all applications. Brand: KT Tape, Model: PRO-EXTREME-BLK, Color: Jet Black, Size: Single 20 Strips
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