Kreg Tool K5 Master System

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  • Front-mounted handle makes clamping easy
  • Ratcheting clamp mechanism adjusts without tools
  • Storage wings provide built-in storage for bits and accessories
  • Swiveling dust collection port accepts any standard vacuum hose
  • Adjustable work piece stop mounts on either side for easy repeat drilling

  • The Kreg Jig K5 Master System combines the Kreg Jig K5 with premium accessories to make it even easier to get started building with Kreg Joinery. Accessories include an Automaxx Face Clamp with 3" reach, a Portable Base for building on the go, and step-by-step downloadable plans for six great projects. The new Automaxx Face Clamp features auto-adjust technology that simplifies project construction by allowing you to clamp work pieces of varying thicknesses without ever having to adjust the clamp. That makes it the perfect companion to the ratcheting, tool-free work piece clamp on the Kreg Jig K5. Adding the Portable Base gives you yet another use for your Kreg Jig K5-simplified setup for portable building and making repairs. The Kreg Jig offers our simplest work piece-clamping system ever. The ratcheting clamp simply slides into place against your work piece. Then, you lift the handle until you hear and feel two "clicks," and that's it. Now your clamp is set until you change to a different material thickness. Two large support wings can be attached quickly and easily to both sides of the K5 base. This way, long work pieces get solid support and won't tip. The Kreg Jig K5 comes with a removable dust port that swivels from side to side so that you can position it exactly where you want it, and then attach it to a standard vacuum house. Get started building with these step-by-step, downloadable project plans. You get three great plans, each with two design variations.
    Brand: Kreg, Model: K5MS

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