Kotobukiya Marvel Comics: Iron Man Avengers Now! ArtFX Statue

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  • A Koboukiya Japanese import
  • Depicts Iron Man in his black & gold Avengers Now! Look
  • Statue is in 1:10 scale
  • Sculpted by Junnosuke Abe
  • Includes magnetic display base

  • From Kotobukiya. Marvel Comics is the next great property to get Kotobukiya's ARTFX statue treatment and so of course the first series is none other than the Avengers, specifically the characters as they appear in Marvel Now! The latest Avenger to join the team is IRON MAN, who completes the lineup of Earth's defenders with his previously released allies Hulk, Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye and Thor! The Iron Avenger stands at the ready, turned to his side as he raises his right hand to aim a repulse at the enemy. Iron Man's armor is intricately detailed with layers, panels, vents and other technological components like secondary repulses and the metallic paint really makes it shine. Sculpted by the same master artist who did the rest of this Avengers series, Junnosuke Abe (RESTORE), Iron Man stands just under 8 1/2 Inch tall (in the ARTFX 1/10th scale) on his included magnetic display base. Add Iron Man to your collection and complete the full lineup of ARTFX Marvel Now Avengers!
    Brand: Kotobukiya, Model: JUL142219

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