Kotobukiya Marvel: Black Panther Fine Art Statue

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  • Adds the ruler of Wakanda to the Marvel Comics Presents Kotobukiya Collection
  • Intense action pose
  • Sleek black bodysuit with integrated gloves, boots & full mask, plus a high collar & long cape
  • Details include golden claws, belt, necklace of office & feline-inspired wristbands
  • Intricate costume piping & creases on his costume

  • From Kotobukiya. A Kotobukiya Japanese import! The latest elite Fine Art Statue in the Marvel Comics Presents Kotobukiya Collection adds a classic Avenger and royal hero with the mighty Black Panther! The most recent in a long line of chieftains of the Panther Clan, T'Challa is the leader of the African nation of Wakanda, and his connection to the Panther God has given him enhanced abilities which he uses to defend his nation and the world alongside the Avengers as the Black Panther. T'Challa is a brilliant scientist in addition to a superhero and has created many high-tech devices using the unique vibranium found in his home country. Now the feline-inspired hero has been immortalized in Fine Art Statue form, the definitive Black Panther collectible! Lurking in the shadows and preparing to strike, Black Panther crouches on ancient ruins and keeps watch over his prey. The Avenger wears his iconic Wakandan vibranium costume, a sleek black bodysuit with integrated gloves, boots, and full mask plus a high collar and long cape. T'Challa watches intently through the menacing white eyes of his costume, and the outfit is accented with golden claws, belt, necklace of office, and feline-inspired armbands. Displaying the grace and patience of his namesake, Black Panther is tense and ready to attack with muscles taught and claws spread. The Avenger is intricately detailed with piping and creases on his costume, the subtle expression on his face through his mask, and of course his glorious flowing cape. Black Panther is approx.12" tall (1/6 scale) crouched atop a beautiful georama display base of an ancient panther statue overgrown with foliage. Display this incredible version of T'Challa alone or alongside other Avengers Fine Art Statues from Kotobukiya!.
    Brand: Kotobukiya, Model: OCT152484, Color: Multi-colored, Size: 12 inches

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