Kotobukiya DC Comics: Red Robin ArtFX Statue (New 52 Version)

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  • A Kotobukiya import
  • Features Red Robin in his New 52 costume
  • Metallic, glossy sheen on his outfit
  • Figure stands just over 7" tall
  • Magnets in feet provide extra stability on display base

  • From Kotobukiya. A Kotobukiya Japanese import! The latest DC Comics ARTFX Statue from Kotobukiya adds another member of the "Batman Family" of characters from the pages of the New 52, Red Robin! The third assistant to Batman after Dick Grayson and Jason Todd, Tim Drake is famous for his detective skills; he actually figured out the Dark Knight's secret identity all on his own. But like those before him Drake eventually emerged from the shadow of the Bat to be his own hero and so became Red Robin, leader of the Teen Titans. That was his role in the New 52 era of DC Comics, and now that incarnation is joining the ever-growing lineup of ARTFX Statues! Brilliant and confident, Red Robin points at villains as though saying "I know all of your secrets!" The young hero is clad in his distinctive costume first seen in the New 52, a complex black bodysuit with built-in red armor panels and reinforced boots. On top of that he wears a black utility belt full of pouches, gloves with yellow accents, a red domino mask, and a yellow and blue chest harness that connects to his jetpack and segmented red cape that allows him to fly. Tim Drake's outfit has a great metallic, glossy sheen that really brings his high tech gear to life, and there are tons of cool details from his defined musculature to the Teen Titans logo on his shoulder, and much more. And despite the cocky grin on his face you know Red Robin means business as he holds his trusty staff at the ready! Sculpted by Naoya Muto, Red Robin stands just over 7" tall (1/10 scale) and like all ARTFX statues he has magnets in his feet for extra stability on his included display base. The high flying teen hero looks great on his own and makes a perfect companion piece for the other Batman Family ARTFX statues like Red Hood, Nightwing, Damian Wayne, and of course the Dark Knight himself!.
    Brand: Kotobukiya, Model: SV118

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