Kolcraft Cloud Plus Lightweight Stroller with 5-Point Safety System and Multi-Positon Reclining Seat

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Brand Kolcraft
Model KL029-FRR1
Color Fire Red

  • LIGHTWEIGHT -- Travel friendly lightweight design (only 11.8 lbs), perfect for traveling and day trips
  • LARGE CANOPY --Three-tier, extended canopy for maximum UV protection. A peek-a-boo window so you can easily keep a watchful eye on your baby.
  • EASY ONE-HAND FOLD -- Convenient one-hand and self-standing fold, perfect for car travel and vacations.
  • RECLINING SEAT -- Reclining seat offers 5-point safety restraint system and accommodates child to 50 pounds
  • ROOMY STORAGE -- Large, easy to access storage basket holds all baby's necessities. Removable child tray with dual cup & juice box holder, and parent tray with two drink holders and extra storage area.

  • All Mom's favorite full-size stroller features in a compact, travel-friendly lightweight stroller. Cozy seat, ample storage, large canopy. Perfect for traveling and day trips with a compact fold and lightweight design (only 11.8lbs). Convenient one-hand and self-standing fold. Large, easy-access storage basket holds all baby's necessities. Multi-position reclining seat keeps child comfortable. Accommodates child to 50 Pound Three-tier, extended canopy for maximum sun coverage and peek-a-boo window. Parent tray with two drink holders and extra storage area. Removable child tray with dual cup and juice box holder. All-terrain wheels and front suspension for a smooth ride. Adjustable 5-point safety harness. JPMA Certified. One-year manufacturer warranty. Dimensions - Folded: 18" w x 12" d x 34" h - Assembled: 18" W x 31.25" D x 34" H.

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