Knipex 86 07 250 SBA 1,000V Insulated Pliers Wrench

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  • Pliers and wrench in a single tool
  • Excellent for gripping, holding, pressing and bending workpieces
  • Zero backlash jaw surface pressure prevents damage to edges of sensitive and soft nuts
  • Lever transmission greater than 10 - 1 for strong gripping power
  • The action of the jaws allows screwed connections to be tightened and released quickly using the ratchet principle

  • Free up space in your tool box by eliminating a set of SAE or metric wrenches. These innovative tools combine the functions of a gripping pliers and a wrench. Push-button, positive-locking mechanism gives you a wide range of adjustment positions, while gripping jaws remain parallel regardless of handle position. Also works like a ratchet, with no need to reset the tool on the workpiece. Made with high-quality chrome-vanadium steel. Outperform conventional adjustable wrenches because the jaws remain parallel and evenly distribute force to the surface - no more rounding off fastener corners. Slip-resistant, plastic coated handle. Made in Germany.
    Brand: KNIPEX Tools, Model: 86 07 250 SBA

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