Knipex 00 20 01 V01 Basic Pliers Set (4 Piece)

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  • Packaged in a foam tray for workbenches and tool trolleys
  • Clearly organized storage of tools
  • Precisely-sized recesses for holding the pliers
  • Foam insert dimensions (LxWxH): 13 3/16 x 6 1/2 x 1 19/64" (335 x 165 x 33 mm)
  • Material: two color, closed pore foam

  • Clearly organized and ready to hand, the set of pliers are accommodated in a protective tray made of sturdy foam. The organizational system fits into all common tool trolleys and workbenches. The two-color principle makes it easy to see where a tool is missing. With the foam trays KNIPEX offers a familiar and well-proven organizational system which makes the purchase of the sets of pliers even more attractive for a lot of users. A good opportunity to add to and update the ranges. Set includes: 03 05 180 Combination Pliers, 26 15 200 Chain Nose Side Cutting Pliers, 74 05 180 High Leverage Diagonal Cutters, 87 01 250 KNIPEX Cobra Water Pump Pliers.
    Brand: KNIPEX Tools, Model: 00 20 01 V01

    Custom Tab 01

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