K'NEX Education - Exploring Machines Set

K'NEX Education
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  • Weight - 9.94
  • Depth - 0.00
  • Width - 0.00
  • Height - 0.00

  • Investigate simple machines through hands-on learning with the K'NEX Education Exploring Machines set! Designed to expand upon a middle school student's knowledge of simple machine concepts, this set provides instructional models for students in 5th through 9th grade to investigate, explore and experiment with. This K'NEX Education Set includes 1,432 K'NEX parts, building instructions, and a comprehensive Teacher's Guide CD, all packaged in a strong plastic tray with a snap-on lid for easy classroom storage. There's enough parts to build 30 fully-functioning replicas of real world machines up to four at a time, and it supports 8-12 students working in teams. The Teacher's guide includes Student Inquiry Sheets and Worksheets for the included models. Student Worksheets ask questions about the machine being investigated and present challenges that can be used to help students think more deeply about the concepts involved and to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information. This set is aligned to STEM standards. STEM Education focuses on science, technology, engineering and mathematics concepts taught through problem-solving, discovery, exploratory learning and critical thinking. STEM Education requires students to be active participants in the learning process. K'NEX models offer hands-on opportunities that encourage scientific inquiry, investigation and experimentation. Our inquiry-based lessons challenge students as they build, investigate, problem solve, discuss, and evaluate scientific and design principles in action.
    Brand: K'NEX Education, Model: 78600

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