KINSHO Photo Journal 11.5x16 Ivory

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  • KIN1106
  • 082435602066
  • Brand New Item / Unopened Product
  • Kinsho

  • All KINSHO albums are crafted using acid-free, archival papers to ensure longevity of your photographs. Soft Japanese cloth covers come in seven stylish colors and have an inviting finish, adding a warm accent to any home. The albums feature a cover window with black accent mat, a back pocket to hold additional keepsakes, and a band closure which offers not only style but functionality to keep your album closed tight or act as a bookmark. KINSHO Photo Journals offer scrapbook style pages so you can arrange photographs the way you like, as well as journal your memories alongside them to add a personal touch. All post-bound Photo Journals come with ten scored natural ivory-colored sheets, and can be expanded with refill pages. The 9" x 10.5" album with 8.75" x 8.75" pages comfortably accommodates arrangements of standard photo sizes 4" x 6" and 5" x 7". The 10" x 13.5" album with 9.5" x 11."5 pages comfortably accommodates arrangements of standard photo sizes from 4" x 6" up to 8" x 10". The 11.5" x 16" album with 11" x 14" pages comfortably accommodates arrangements of standard photo sizes from 4" x 6" up to 8" x 10".
    Brand: Kinsho, Color: Ivory

    Custom Tab 01

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