King Engine Bearings MB 557XP Main Bearing

King Engine Bearings
In Stock


Brand King Engine Bearings
Model MB 557XP

  • Product Description: Main Bearings, Tri-Metal Performance Cross References: ACL #: 5M909H-STD Clevite #: MS-909H FM #: 139M Dura Bond #: N/A

  • We are Bearing Specialists King Engine Bearings was founded in 1960 with one objective: to supply the highest quality bearings available in the marketplace. By specializing in engine bearings, King has built an extensive product offering that includes a wide range of engine bearings for automobiles, light-duty and heavy-duty trucks, marine, aviation, standby power and many other types of internal combustion engines. Every King bearing utilizes the highest quality materials and the most advanced designs to ensure complete customer satisfaction. From concept to final product, everything is done under one roof. This allows King to produce bearings more efficiently and with more accuracy in order to keep up with the needs of our customers. During production, all bearings must pass rigorous quality control checkpoints throughout the entire process. This stringent system of multiple quality checks ensures that only the highest quality bearings ever make it into our customers' hands. King is the first choice in the extremely demanding aviation and racing industries due to our in-depth understanding of the specific needs of those industries. This knowledge and experience is then applied to every aftermarket bearing we make. To achieve our goal of supplying the highest quality bearings, we had to reinvent the entire manufacturing process from the ground up, making King a pioneer in developing proprietary manufacturing machinery and multi-function, high speed production lines.

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