King Arthur Tools Lancelot Woodcarving Disc, 14 Teeth, 7/8" Arbor

King Arthur's Tools
Out Of Stock


  • Speed
  • Power
  • Chain Saw Blade
  • 4" Diameter
  • Max. 14,000 RPM

  • Lancelot Woodcarving Discs take the muscle work out of woodcarving with their speed, power and maneuverability. The secret is in the special chain saw blade which is securely held between two stainless steel plates. Mount the 4" dia. Lancelot in your 4" or 4-1/2" angle grinder and watch the chips fly! It easily cuts the hardest woods regardless of grain or knots. The 14-tooth model is great for "roughing out" the 22-tooth model and leaves a smoother "finished" surface. Teeth can be resharpened using a standard chain saw file. Maximum 14,000 RPM. Chains can not be interchanged between models. Squire Mini Woodcarving Discs can be attached to another disc for the ultimate in power carving! Although it can be used alone as a small carving disc, by attaching the 3-3/8" dia. Squire to a Lancelot Disc with the Universal Mounting Nut you can effectively double your cutting capacity. You not only remove waste material faster but curved work, like the inside of bowls, is easier and smoother than when using a single disc. Fits all mini grinders with 5/8" x 11 TPI arbors.
    Brand: King Arthur's Tools

    Custom Tab 01

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