KidKusion Stove Lock, Clear, 5-Count

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  • Prevent children from turning on stoves: childproof telescoping dial adheres to face of stove with 3M adhesive.
  • Made from a safe TPR material.
  • Designed for professional and home use
  • Fits most Gas and electric stoves and gas grills too
  • This product will not work with recessed knobs. If your stove knobs are recessed into the face of your stove, this product will not work

  • Gas stoves present a danger, but electric stoves get hot too. Wandering toddlers are curious and like to turn knobs. Use our clearly safe Stove Locks to prevent your stove's knob from turning. This patented design fits behind your knob and dials in and out as need to control the stove's knobs. It works like this: to turn your stove on, you have to push the knob in and turn. Our Stove Lock acts as a collar that dials out to meet the back of the knob. This prevents the knob from being pushed in and prevents it from turning. Easy for adults but not for toddlers. No more unsightly knob covers to deal with. Fits most gas and electric stoves and grills. Designed for professional and home use.
    Brand: KidKusion, Model: 2403, Color: Clear

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