Kidde AccessPoint 001796 Combination TouchPoint Entry Key Locker, Clay, 60 Key

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  • Key locker is constructed of 16-gauge heavy-duty steel for extra protection of your keys
  • Combination lock with over 1,000 re-settable combinations; locking wall-mount key cabinet for storing keys
  • Key lock box with combination measures 13.59 x 20.0 x 4.9 inches; holds 60 keys
  • The keysafe box has a depth for larger key rings; no more having to remove keys from rings to get them to fit inside
  • Combination key safe includes screw and wall anchors for easy mounting and setup

  • The unique clutch mechanism protects against forced entry and you can change the entry code as often as you like with more than 1,000 possible combinations - you'll never have to re-key your lock again
    Brand: Kidde, Model: 001796, Color: Clay Powder, Size: 60 Keys

    Custom Tab 01

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