TOYS THAT TEACH: KEVA Brain Builders from MindWare will train your brain to turn 2-dimensional diagrams into 3-dimensional reality. Approach KEVA from a whole new angle with this interactive STEM tool!
STRENGTHENS STEM: Turn technical drawings into fun, recognizable objects. The 2-D cards show the design from different angles highlighting the front, side and overhead view and increase in difficulty from beginner to expert.
PROBLEM SOLVING: Manipulate your KEVA planks to successfully duplicate the balance, proportion, composition and geometry featured on each card. As each build becomes more challenging, patience and confidence is gained through trial and error.
FUN AND REWARDING: Once you think you've solved the blueprint, flip it over to check the solution-try to resist the urge to peak! From picnic tables and rowboats to swans and snails, you will be amazed what your brain will build. Time to put your 3D imagination to the test!
INCLUDES: 20 durable KEVA planks, 30 full-color double-sided cards in a zippered carrying case.
Approach KEVA from a whole new angle! Full-color cards include a 2-D building challenge on one side and the solution on the other. Manipulate your KEVA planks to successfully duplicate the balance, proportion, composition and geometry featured on each card. Includes 20 KEVA planks, 30 double-sided cards and instructions in a zippered carrying case. Brand: MindWare, Model: 66009
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