Kershaw AM-5 Pocket Knife (2340), 3.5 Inch Stainless Steel Blade with SpeedSafe Assisted Opening and Frame Lock, G10 Black Gripped Handle and Deep Carry Pocket Clip

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  • Deep Carry will help conceal the tactical knife, keeping it conveniently out of the way and discreetly hidden when not needed
  • Large blade is finished with a sleek Black-Oxide coating to enhance both appearance and durability
  • Opens using SpeedSafe assisted opening and a flipper for the ideal balance between maximal functionality and safety
  • Contoured black handle fits well in hand, includes a light and durable polished G10 front and stainless steel back
  • Timeless AL MAR knives meet Kershaw's precision manufacturing for the best in quality and design; while the AM Series from Kershaw offers price and value that cannot be matched

  • The story behind the Kershaw AM-5 Pocket Knife, weighing in as the largest and heaviest of the new Kershaw AL-MAR Series, speaks directly to the popular appeal of Kershaw as a longtime favorite in the EDC market. Kershaw's commitment to the lowest prices at the highest quality in this series presents the ideal balance between quality and value in making the prestige of AL-MAR (AM) knives available to a wider audience. Joining forces on this product, Onion and Mar, now both designing personalized knives of the highest quality for celebrities and high-end collectors alike, commit to bringing their concepts and products to a new generation. On the one hand, the enduring quality and innovation of the patented SpeedSafe assisted opening to the AM Series was originally pioneered by Onion. On the other hand, the red tube spacers and red logo emblem on the AM-5 deep-carry pocketclip provide the look of an Al Mar knife suitable for everyday carry or for building the ideal personal collection.
    Brand: Kershaw, Model: 2340, Color: Black, Size: Small

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