KEO 55051 High-Speed Steel Single-End Countersink, Uncoated (Bright) Finish, 6 Flutes, 90 Degree Point Angle, Round Shank, 1/2" Shank Diameter, 1" Body Diameter

KEO Cutters
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  • High-speed steel tools are good for most general purpose applications, offering a combination of hardness and toughness for wear resistance
  • Uncoated tools feature just the base substrate without any additional treatment or coatings and are suitable for a wide range of applications
  • Round shanks allow use with a wide variety of toolholding systems
  • When run in a counterclockwise direction (right-hand cut) spiral fluted tools evacuate chips up and out of the cut to reduce clogging
  • 90 degree angle

  • KEO 6-flute line of countersinks are companions to our single flute countersinks and our 3- and 4-flute center reamer line. As a rule, the more edges per revolution, the greater amount of material that may be removed. We have designed the 6-flute tools with staggered cutting edges. High-speed steel tools are good for most general purpose applications, offering a combination of hardness and toughness for wear resistance. Uncoated tools feature just the base substrate without any additional treatment or coatings and are suitable for a wide range of applications. Round shanks allow use with a wide variety of toolholding systems. When run in a counterclockwise direction (right-hand cut) spiral fluted tools evacuate chips up and out of the cut to reduce clogging. 90 degree angle.
    Brand: KEO Cutters, Model: 55051, Size: 1 in

    Custom Tab 01

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