Kate and Laurel 212375 Celia Round Metal Foldable Tray Accent Table, White and Gold

Kate and Laurel
In Stock


Brand Kate and Laurel
Model 212375
Color White and Gold

  • Decorative metal end table with accent color tray surface and beautiful modern straight line legs
  • Tray top adheres securely to the legs with magnets and is also easily removable; Legs also fold for easy storage
  • Removable round tray table top has 14 inch diameter and 1.5 inch depth; Table stands 25.75 inches high
  • Easy pop up assembly; Glides are already attached on the bottom of the legs for floor protection
  • Accent table is constructed of lightweight metal for lasting durability with metallic leaf finish

  • Next time you throw a party, do not worry about taking out those old wooden tray tables your parents passed down to you from their stuffy storage area. You now own these hip modern and functional metal tray tables! The Celia collection brings a pop of glamour to your home decor! This metal pop up end table is designed to be the perfect height to fit in a tight space next to a bed or alongside a sofa. It also makes an adorable plant stand! With beautifully elegant straight legs, a round tray tabletop surface, and the option to fold away for storage, this small pedestal table will be the perfect accent piece in your home. The tray top secures to the legs with magnets to allow for sturdy display and easy remove-ability.

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