K-Roo Sports SOUT-301 Little Flyers Family Disc Golf with 8 Mini Discs by

K-Roo Sports
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  • Everything you need to create your very own disc golf courses, indoors and out
  • Just like the real thing, but mini. Perfect for even the youngest disc golfers
  • Full rules, set-up, and throwing instructions are printed right on the storage box. Handy!
  • Includes 8 mini discs in four pairs, so up to four players (or teams!) can play at once
  • Stands 25 inches tall, with an 11-inch basket and 14-inch stabilizing feet

  • Create Your Very Own Home Disc Golf Course!

    It's never too early to start disc golfing! Disc golf is a fun way for kids and adults of all ages to get active. And best of all, just about any location, indoors or outdoors, is the perfect place for a disc golf course. Hook a dog leg around a kiddie pool, weave between two tall trees, or aim a tight straightaway down the hallway! If you're not sure how to play, don't worry, we've printed rules, set-up instructions, and diagrams for different throws right on the box so you always have a handy reference!

    This family disc golf set from K-Roo Sports is just like the real thing, just miniature and perfectly portable. The target, called a "hole," stands 25 inches tall with an 11-inch basket and 14-inch stabilizing feet. Also included are eight 4.25-inch mini discs in four pairs of colors, which means up to 4 players (or 4 teams!) can play disc golf at the same time. Great for parties and family gatherings, or for a fun-filled day in the backyard or park.

    Brand: K-Roo Sports, Model: SOUT-301, Color: Multi, Size: Regular

    Custom Tab 01

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