K-II EMF Meter for Ghost Hunting

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  • Instantaneous response to EMF fluctuations & spikes
  • Simple push-on/push-off operation
  • Easy-to-read multi-segment LED display
  • Accuracy of 5% at 50-60 Hz
  • Detects ELF range (50 to 1,000 Hz) & VLF range (1,000 to 20,000 Hz)

  • Made in U.S.A. This is the legendary must have paranormal research meter. It's internationally famous and seen on virtually all Paranormal TV shows where it constantly creates astonishing and reliable results within the paranormal field. It is also a great EMF meter for safety home inspections of EMF levels (Electromagnetic Fields). Finding erratic sudden EMF field spikes suggests unexplained possible paranormal activity. It is super easy to use. Just push the button and it is on. Look for increases in EMF levels by viewing the colored led lights. Perfect for use in the dark. Extremely sturdy and portable. Fits in your hand and pocket. The K2 meter is rugged and this quality meter can take rough handling and be exposed to weather and keep working. It is a meter to count on. It is very responsive and accurate. The K2 meter comes with a 9V Duracell Alkaline Battery installed and it lasts a long time.
    Brand: KII, Model: K-II-DELUX, Color: Gray

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