K-EDGE Garmin Mount Hinged (Black 31.8mm)

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  • STRONG - CNC machined aluminum platform engineered to hold your Garmin in place securely
  • SECURE - Injection-molded Garmin Interface improves your computer connection to bike with the K-EDGE signature click with four locking engagement points to ensure security
  • COMPATIBLE -Turn Garmin interface for Edge and Touring models, and Forerunner 310XT/910XT
  • PROSame ideal position as our original K-EDGE Garmin mounts - low, tight, and aero

  • Out-front computer mount for Garmin Edge, Forerunner, and Touring cycling computers. This is our next generation of industry-leading Garmin Computer Mounts - stronger, easier, more versatile, and more stylish design to compliment your Garmin and your bike. The ultimate upgrade for your Garmin computer.

    Our advanced co-polymer Garmin insert locks your computer in place with strength and security. Designed and tested extensively so that our replaceable insert breaks away instead of your computer tabs in the event of a crash or mishap.

    The NEW K-EDGE Computer Mount for the Garmin Edge, Forerunner, and Touring line is the most secure cycling computer mount available. Lock your Garmin in place with confidence. Aero design flush with top of the handlebar.

    Specifications: - CNC Machined 6061 T6 Aluminum - Compatibility - 31.8mm and 35mm diameter handlebars. - New clamp design is hinged for ease of installation. - Supported Computers - Garmin Edge (including the Edge 100), Forerunner, and Touring models, also including the new Garmin Edge 520, Edge 20 and Edge 25 models - Combo Compatible - versions available that support GoPro style interface action cameras and lights - Weight - (31.8 mm) Standard Mount 45.4 grams; Combo Mount 55.4 grams - Weight - (35.0 mm) Standard Mount 50.4 grams; Combo Mount 60.4 grams - Made in USA, Lifetime Guarantee

    Brand: K-Edge, Model: K13_1500_BLK, Color: Black 31.8mm, Size: 31.8mm

    Custom Tab 01

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