JVCC J90 Low Gloss Gaffer-Style Duct Tape: 2 in. x 75 ft. (Black)

J.V. Converting
Out Of Stock


  • Core: 3 inch diameter neutral
  • Backing/Carrier: 76 mesh polyethylene coated cloth
  • Adhesive: natural rubber
  • Thickness: 11.8 mils (carrier, adhesive)
  • Adhesion: 29 ounces per inch (to stainless steel test panel)

  • JVCC J90 Low Gloss Gaffer-Style Duct Tape is a low gloss finish gaffer-style duct tape. It is a matte-finish polyethylene coated cloth tape with an adhesive that removes residue free from most surfaces (surface type & dwell time may affect removability). It is not as glossy as a traditional polyethylene-coated duct tape; however it would still be shinier than a vinyl-coated gaffers tape. It is also commonly referred to as AV cord tape. JVCC J90 Gaffers Tape is suitable for entertainment type applications (film, concerts, music, DJ's, conventions, trade shows, photography, etc.) where minimal visibility of tape is desired. Used for protecting and anchoring cable, wires and electrical cords; sealing of equipment cases and film canisters; and in stage set-ups for marking placement (i.e. "spike" tape). Also suitable as a book binding tape for seaming and reinforcement. JVCC J90 conforms well to irregular surfaces, and will not twist or curl. Has excellent water, vapor and abrasion resistance. JVCC J90 is a lower adhesion AV cord tape so would not adhere well for very long to difficult to bond to surfaces like carpeting and would not hold vertically on a surface for very long. It's a lower cost alternative to standard gaffer tape.

    NOTES: Sizes shipped will typically be the tape industry standard metric-cut sizes, i.e. 24mm for each 1 inch of nominal tape width ordered (rolls are approximately 5% narrower than the nominal size). This product's actual size is 48mm x 23m. This tape is typically cut to width from log rolls so most sizes ship on non-branded plain white cores.
    Brand: J.V. Converting, Model: J90/BLK225

    Custom Tab 01

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