Just My Size French Terry Side Zip Graphic Crew Sweatshirt

SKU: HN-192503227616
In Stock
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Y07794/Ocean Depths
  • Y07794/Ocean Depths
  • Y07793/Paleo Pink
  • Y07792/Plum Port
  • Y07791/Black Pe Heather


Zipadeedoodah! The big zipper on the front of the JMS French Terry Side-Zip Graphic Sweatshirt works just fine but serves no purpose other than fashion fun. Soft lightweight French Terry fabric feels like felt and will be comfortable all year long. Thebig exposed zipper that runs from the left side seam toward the center waistband is a terrific novelty feature that's sure to draw attention. Tag-free collar. Full front graphic design with glitter highlights. Ribbed waistband is notched at bo ttom of zipper. Hi-lo hem. Traditional ribbed crew neckline and wide ribbed cuffs. 29-inch length.

Fabric: 50% Polyester 50% Cotton

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