Juno Lighting T538WH Trac-Master 12V Electronic Transformer, White

Juno Lighting Group
Out Of Stock


  • Height: 1-3/4-Inch, Width: 5-1/8-Inch
  • Transformer adapter may be used with track-Master or track-Lites Series trackk (or designated monopoints) and designated low voltage lamp holders
  • Copper alloy contacts provide precise spring action on trackk - no arcing, will not take a set and pulls to up position for two-circuit application
  • Brass, tin-plated electrical contacts housed in nylon jacket provides quick electrical connection to lamp holders
  • Designed to withstand the intense heat produced by incandescent trackk lighting

  • Low voltage white transformer. Replacement low voltage transformer for Juno track lighting. Solid state electronic 12 volt transformer with on/off switch. Attaches to all Juno 120 volt track. Use with 20 watts to 75 watt maximum lamps. Transformer is compatible with halogen bulbs only, and will not work with LED bulbs. For more than 30 years, Juno Lighting Group has been providing innovative solutions to solve lighting challenges. Juno Lighting provides: •Products with superior quality and performance•Innovative, award-winning designs•Energy-efficient lighting solutions and advanced system controls•State-of-the-art technical expertise This product is a component of a system. Further components will be needed for a complete installation. If you know which components you need, use the "Search" box above; otherwise, click on the Support link above for further assistance. DL # 23177.
    Brand: Juno Lighting Group, Model: T538WH, Color: White

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