Jorgensen 3704-LD 4" Mini Light-Duty Steel Bar Clamp

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  • These are ideal for all types of light-duty clamping and is a workhorse for its size and design
  • Used in hobby-craft, light-duty woodworking, home-shop and do-it-yourself projects
  • Protective pads made of thick, durable plastic
  • Maximum opening capacity is 4 inches
  • Maximum reach is 2 inches from edge of bar to center line of screw
  • Maximum load limit is 300 pounds
  • Ideal for do it your selfers, hobbyist, carpenters, cabinet makers, woodworkers, metalworkers and professional trades people of all types
  • Pony Tools Inc. (founded 1903) is the manufacturer of the bar clamps and they are assembled with U.S. and foreign parts in our Chicago factory

  • Our Jorgensen Light Duty Steel Bar Clamps are ideal for all types of light duty clamping and is a workhorse for its size and design. They are used by do it your selfers, hobbyist, carpenters, cabinet makers, woodworkers, metalworkers and professional trades people of all types. Protective pads made of thick, durable plastic protect your work. Clamps rest parallel on work surface for ease of work placement and adjustment. It is a sliding head design: the sliding head is threaded to accommodate the screw with wood handle and swivel pad. All adjustments are made in the moveable sliding head, making this style fast acting, easy to open and close and suitable for close quarters clamping. You can easily move the sliding head up and down the bar. The 5/16 inch steel screw with a varnished hard wood handle and 3/4 inch diameter plated steel swivel can be tightened or loosened to meet your exact pressure needs. Our 3704-LD has a 4 inch opening capacity, a 2 inch reach and a 300 pound load limit. The strong, light weight 3/16" x 5/8" steel bars are plated to be rust resistant. The Multiple-Disc-Clutch design consist of two hardened plated steel clutch disc and one spring which allows the sliding head to hold securely at any point along the bar. The iron castings have an orange baked enamel finish. The Chicago based Adjustable Clamp Company which was established in 1903 is the manufacturer of all Jorgensen Bar Clamps. The Jorgensen Bar Clamps are assembled with U.S. and foreign parts in our Chicago factory.
    Brand: Jorgensen, Model: 3704-LD

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