Joovy Caboose Ultralight Graphite Stroller, Turq

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  • The lightest weight, most compact, and maneuverable double stroller available allows your older child to sit and stand on the rear platform or bench seat. 22 lbs
  • 2 year warranty is 4 times longer than the Baby Trend Sit and Stand warranty and 2 times longer than the Graco Ready2Grow warranty - Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • Includes Parent Organizer and a Universal Car Seat Adapter that fits most major brands. Check the Joovy website for the most recent list. Features three point harness in rear bench seat
  • New rear seat canopy extension protects the rear seated child. Also compatible with the Caboose Rear Seat that adds a full size, forward facing rear seat (if your older child is still too young to stand)
  • Older children LOVE to ride on the Caboose. It makes them feel more grown up and allows them to step on and off the stroller by themselves (your back will thank you)
  • Larger squared-off canopy is taller & provides 2 inches more head room, Material- 300D Polyester, Open Size- 38 x 21.25 x 42 inches(L W H), Folded Size- 45.25 x 21.25 x 10 inches(L W H), Stroller Weight- 23.5 pounds, Minimum Child Age- 3 months or Birth with Car Seat Adapter, Maximum Child Weight- 45 pounds each seat, 90 pounds total

  • The new Caboose Ultralight Graphite is the most lightweight, compact and efficient double stroller. Designed for two children of different ages, it is preferred by parents for its practicality. With new upgraded features and an even lighter frame, the Caboose Ultralight Graphite continues to empower older children by giving them a choice to stand or sit while strolling. The Caboose Ultralight's design has been improved with a new graphite-colored aluminum frame and it is 10% lighter than the previous Ultralight model. At 22 lbs. fully configured, it is lighter than some single strollers. A new rear canopy attachment provides shade for the child sitting in the back. The new parent organizer also holds two beverages and has a convenient zippered pocket for keys, phone or wallet. A universal infant car seat adapter is included and fits most car seats on the market. This handy accessory converts the stroller into a travel system, allowing the older child to stand on the rear stand-on platform. The storage basket is ample enough for a diaper bag. Sealed ball bearing wheels provide superb maneuverability and the 4-wheel suspension make for a smooth ride. The linked rear parking brake adds extra security when the stroller is parked. In addition, the Caboose Ultralight has the most compact fold for a double stroller. If your children are within 2 years of each other, you may consider the optional Caboose Rear Seat, which converts the rear bench seat into a front-facing, full-size, reclining seat. This accessory is sold separately and it folds up with the stroller for convenience. It's also easy to install or uninstall. The Caboose Ultralight Graphite is a versatile tandem stroller that offers the size, weight and maneuverability of a single stroller without compromising features.
    Brand: Joovy, Model: 8110, Color: Turq

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