Remove panel knockouts from electrical panels embedded in drywall without cutting holes in the drywall
For use on electrical, security, alarm and datacom panels
Push to loosen the knockout
Using the screwdriver, remove panel knockout
Do not use kit near live circuits
Remove panel knockouts from electrical panels embedded in drywall without cutting holes in the drywall. For use on electrical, security, alarm and datacom panels. Step by step instructions: 1. After removing the panel cover place the panel buddy on the edge of the panel in front of knockout to be removed. 2. Next insert the modified screwdriver through the hole and between the drywall under the knockout. 3. Push to loosen the knockout. 4. Using the screwdriver, remove panel knockout. DO not use kit near live circuits. Intended for use by licensed professionals. Brand: Jonard Tools, Model: WBK-100
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