JGB Enterprises Eagle Hosee Red Jackhammer Rubber Air Hose, 3/4" Universal (Chicago) Couplings, 50' Length

JGB Enterprises
Out Of Stock


  • Hose designed for air tool applications on construction sites
  • Tube made of a natural rubber/SBR blend for flexibility and resistance to abrasion, and red EPDM synthetic rubber cover for resistance to ozone, chemicals, and aging
  • Spiral polyester yarn reinforcement for strength
  • Temperature range of -22 to 176 degrees F (-30 to 80 degrees C)
  • Two factory-installed steel universal couplings

  • The JGB Eagle Red Jackhammer Rubber Air Hose has a 3/4" ID and is 50 ft. long. Its tube is made of a natural rubber and SBR (styrene-butadiene) blend for flexibility and resistance to abrasion, and its EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) synthetic rubber cover resists ozone, chemicals, and aging. Its spiral polyester yarn reinforcement provides the strength necessary to reach and maintain its maximum pressure rating of 300 pounds per square inch (psi), and it is capable of functioning effectively at temperatures ranging from -22 to 176 degrees F (-30 to 80 degrees C). This hose comes equipped with two factory-installed steel universal couplings. It is manufactured specifically for air tool applications on construction sites, such as jackhammers.

    Industrial hoses transfer or convey air or liquid in hose systems. When selecting industrial hoses, use the STAMPED method:

    S = Size (ID, OD, and length)
    T = Temperature (maximum and minimum temperatures of material being transported)
    A = Application (industry or process)
    M = Material (to be conveyed, type and concentration)
    P = Pressure (maximum working pressure)
    E = Ends (type of end connectors or couplings on hose)
    D = Delivery method (volume and velocity)
    The inside diameter of the hose must be adequate to keep pressure loss to a minimum and avoid damage to the hose due to heat generation or excessive turbulence. The hose must be capable of withstanding the minimum and maximum temperatures that occur within the hose system. Some applications require specialized oils or chemicals to be conveyed through the system. In this case, hose selection must ensure compatibility of the hose tube, cover, couplings and O-rings with the fluid used. Industrial hoses are used in systems such as air compressors, automatic manufacturing operations, aircraft controls, and tire installation in industries including agriculture, mining, road construction, firefighting, and aviation.

    Eagle manufactures industrial safety products for storing and transporting hazardous materials. The company, founded in 1894 and headquartered in Wellburg, WV, meets International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard 9001.

    Brand: JGB Enterprises, Model: 001-0121-0050I-Red, Color: Red

    Custom Tab 01

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