Case of 24 1-ounce boxes (approximately 96 servings, 24 total ounces)
Sugar Free Fat Free. 1/3 fewer calories than regular pudding.
Good source of calcium when made with milk
Just add milk and mix; sets in five minutes
Made from the world's most popular dessert; over 300 million boxes sold every year
Creamy, cool, satisfying and ready in 5 minutes, it's no wonder Jell-O Pudding has been an American family favorite for more than 63 years. Low in calories, Jell-O Sugar-Free Vanilla Instant Pudding and Pie Filling is not only delicious but also high in calcium. Everyone loves the flavor of this creamy pudding. In fact, 64 percent of moms say Jell-O Pudding is a favorite snack for kids. When you could go for something rich, smooth, and delicious, turn to Jell-O Sugar-Free Vanilla Instant Pudding and Pie Filling. Brand: Jell-O, Model: 4300020552, Size: 1 Ounce (Pack of 24)
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