J is for Jeep Brand Scout Double Stroller, Lunar Burgundy

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Brand Jeep
Model 11708-0981
Color Lunar Burgundy

  • Extendable European-style canopies with sun visors; Five-point safety harness with soft shoulder pads and reflective material that ensures you and your children can be seen at night
  • Multi-position reclining seat Parent cup holder
  • Abundant storage includes double rear canopy bags 5.5" wheels with front swivel and suspension system
  • Lightweight design that fits through standard 30" wide doors Assembled Dimensions: 23.4"D x 29.9"W x 37"HFolded dimensions: 13" X 11.2" x 42.1".Product weight: 18.30 lbs. JPMA certified; meets or exceeds and ASTM and applicable CPSC standards
  • Designed for a child between birth and 3 years

  • Epic family adventures are easy with the J is for Jeep Brand Scout Double Stroller from Delta Children. The stroller is finished with exclusive accents, including an extendable European-style canopy, reclining seat with multiple positions and reflective piping to help you and your children stand out from the crowd. Awesome 5.5-inch wheels with front swivel and suspension allow you to effortlessly discover everything that's out there. Lightweight and capable of explorations near or far-the J is for Jeep Brand Scout Double Stroller is outfitted with abundance of storage options, so you can get your children and all their gear where they need go. Each seat holds up to 35 lbs.

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