Janod Confetti Guitar

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  • Brightly colored with confetti colored polka dots, wooden six-string guitar
  • Great for learning your first notes to composing your first song
  • Oppenheim Platinum Seal for the Best Toy Award winner
  • Includes guitar
  • Recommended for children 5 years of age and older
  • Janod's playful, sturdy and joyous creations forge unique connections between children and their toys... as well as between the brand and its consumers. The not so easily defined soulful component drives our designers and has enabled Janod to hold a special place in toy chests around the world!

  • Janod Guitar is a stylish way for your little rock star to learn notes and foster their musical talent. Great for little hands, this first guitar will follow your young performer from music classes to the stage as their confidence and creativity grows. Matches other instruments in the Janod Confetti line of fun and colorful musical instruments. The Guitar measures 25.25in. x 8.5in. x 2.5in. and includes guitar. Recommended for children 5 years of age and older.
    Brand: Janod, Model: J07598, Color: Mixed

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