IRWINQUICK-GRIPOne-Handed Bar Clamp, Heavy-Duty, 18", 1964713

Irwin Tools
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  • New Quick-Change button easily converts clamp to spreader
  • New removable, swivel jaws and non-marring pads
  • Adjustable foot provides added support and enables clamp to sit upright on the work surface
  • 600 lbs of sustained clamping pressure
  • I-beam bar design reduces bending and flexing even under extreme pressure

  • With 600 lbs. of sustained clamping force, the IRWINQUICK-GRIPOne-Handed Bar Clamp, Heavy-Duty, is one of the top powerful one-handed bar clamps available. With an I-beam bar that reduces bending and flexing even under extreme pressure, it's ideal for heavy-duty applications such as installation, demolition, and rough glue-up. Dual swivel jaws feature non-marring full-face pads to provide even distribution of clamping force on the workpiece. The pads can be easily removed to activate the swivel jaws and maintain full contact even when conforming to irregular shapes. A Quick-Change() button converts this clamp easily into a spreader while the adjustable foot provides added support so the clamp can sit upright on a table or work surface, making it perfect for gluing panels or cabinetry. The unique pistol grip design and Quick-Release() trigger provide simple, one-handed operation. The IRWIN QUICK-GRIP One-Handed Bar Clamp delivers superior power, versatility, and stability.
    Brand: Irwin Tools, Model: 1964713, Size: 18 inch

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