Irwin Tools (1923455) 6LN Long Nose - 6 Inch (150mm) Vise-Grip Multi-Pliers

Irwin Tools
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  • Fold-out Knife: Features a stainless steel blade for convenience
  • Fold-out Screwdriver: Includes a 1/4 Inch bit holder with 6-8 slotted and number 2 Phillips bits
  • Easy access in narrow hard-to-reach places; Long, straight nose ideal for precision work and hobbies
  • Versatility: Ideal for tightening, clamping, twisting and turning
  • Maximum Toughness and Durability: Constructed of high-grade, heat-treated alloy steel
  • Stays adjusted for repetitive use: Turn screw to adjust pressure and fit work
  • Hardened teeth: Grip materials from any angle
  • Fast release technology: One-handed, triggerless release is easier to open than traditional locking pliers
  • Irwin Lifetime Guarantee

  • The new IRWIN VISE-GRIP 6" Long Nose VISE-GRIP Locking Multi-Pliers feature the legendary locking plier's performance tradesmen have trusted since 1924. The 5CR Locking Multi-Pliers feature a fold-out stainless steel serrated knife blade and a fold-out screwdriver including a 1/4" bit holder with 6-8 slotted and #2 Phillips bits. The four-tools-in-one design allows users to carry fewer tools on the job.
    Brand: Irwin Tools, Model: 1923455

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