iRobot Braava 380t Robot Mop

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  • We recommend using mild solutions or just tap water. We recommend staying away from harsh cleaners as they can be hard on Braava's internal parts and soapy solutions that may cause the wheels to slip while cleaning or clog the wick on the Reservoir Pad.
  • Northstar Navigation works like an indoor GPS to clean until the job is done. Choose from two modes - dry sweeping or damp mopping
  • Use with disposable or microfiber cleaning cloths to pick up daily dirt, dust and hair
  • Turbo Charge Cradle recharges Braava in just two hours. Sweeps up to 1,000 square feet or mops up to 350 square feet in a single cleaning cycle
  • Reusable microfiber cleaning cloths included - one dry sweeping cloth and one damp mopping cloth

  • Designed to mop floors quickly and efficiently, the new iRobot Braava Floor Mopping Robot systematically covers your entire floor in a single pass. Braava uses disposable or microfiber cleaning cloths to pick up dirt, hair and dust from all your hardsurface floors including tile, vinyl, hardwood and laminate. Just attach a cloth, set Braava down, press a button and off it goes, using advanced robotic technology to track where it's been and where it needs to go. It's whisper-quiet too, so you can go about your daily activities without disruption. The included Turbo Charge Cradle is a convenient, one-stop charging and storage space, charging Braava 380t in as fast as two hours. Braava uses either disposable cleaning cloths, including Swiffer brand, or reusable microfiber cloths to remove dirt, dust and hair from your floors so you don't have to. Braava has two cleaning modes to choose from depending on the job you need done. In sweep mode, Braava dry mops your floors moving in straight lines using dry cleaning cloths. In mop mode, Braava uses a special back-and-forth mopping action and damp cleaning cloths to lift surface dirt and grime off your floors. With the Pro-Clean System included in Braava 380t, a special Reservoir Cleaning Pad dispenses liquid throughout the cleaning cycle to keep the cloth damp. Cleaning cloths are easy to attach and remove with Braava's removable magnetic multi-purpose cleaning pad. The NorthStar Navigation System 2 works like an indoor GPS that helps Braava keep track of where it has been and where it needs to go. The NorthStar Navigation Cube projects a signal that Braava uses to determine its location. Additional NorthStar Navigation Cubes can be purchased for the Braava 380t to expand the robot's dry mopping capabilities for bigger homes. As Braava cleans, it builds a map of the area, mapping walls, obstacles and drop-offs as it encounters them.
    Brand: iRobot, Model: Braava 380t, Color: Black, Size: B380

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