IR Infrared Remote Control Extender Repeater Cable (10 Feet) - IR Signal Receiver & IR Emitter Blaster Extension Cable Wire Cord USB Powered System Kit
This Infrared Repeater Cable applies to all remote control devices from 38 to 56 khz
IR Repeater Extension controls Audio Video Components in Entertainment Cabinets or Equipment Closets using Existing IR Remote Controls
Come with adhesive backing sticks directly onto different devices
1 Receiver, 1 Emitter, Connects to USB port on TV or home theater device for power
Total Length: 10 feet - 3 meter
This IR repeater extension cable can extend the range of a remote control. This IR repeater cable lets you store your equipment out of sight, yet still operate it with its infrared remote control. The kit includes an IR receiver with a 6 foot cord, which you need to place so that you can point your remote control at it. The receiver then transmits the signal to the repeater, which relay it out to the transmitter bulb that should be placed over the IR "eye" on your component. Package Content: 1xCable (Receiver and Emitter) Brand: Obvis
Custom Tab 01
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