IR Infrared Emitter Extender Cable Extension (10 Feet 3M) Dual Head2 Eye 3.5mm Jack Infrared Red Transmitter Blaster Blink Eye Wire Cord Compatible with IR Repeater Extender System Kit, XBox One

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  • Extend remote control ability to any room in the house, hidden Xbox One, AV receiver and other devices
  • IR emitter extension cable with single eye that is compatible with devices in 38khz and 3.5mm port
  • Comes with adhesive backing sticks directly onto different devices
  • Overall length: 10 feet (3 meter) with 3.5mm plug
  • Compatible with devices in 38khz ONLY

  • An IR extension cable is a thin cable with an IR emitter(s) on the end. It allows you to emit IR signals to a location that the your remote control or IR repeater system block can't reach. You can position an emitter in otherwise difficult-to-access spaces and work around things like media cabinets, decorations, and so on. These small emitters have a self-adhesive pad that allow it to be stuck directly to the IR sensor window of your AV device, or can be used as a flood for multiple devices when properly mounted. Direct connection the device will always provide you the best performance. Package Content: • 1x 2- Eye Infrared 3.5MM Remote Control Extender Emitter Cable Wire
    Brand: Obvis

    Custom Tab 01

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