iPhone 6s Case, Apple iPhone 6s Wallet Case, rooCASE Prestige Leather PU Flip Wallet Case Folio Stand Lightwight Cover for Apple iPhone 6/6s (4.7), Black

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  • COMPATIBLE WITH APPLE IPHONE 6/6s - Case holds iPhone 6/6s, 3 credit or ID cards, and up to 2 bills, with ultra-strong magnetic closure provides security and peace of mind
  • SAFE AND DURABLE PROTECTION - Polycarbonate shell to protect all four corners of your iPhone 6/6s with shock absorbance, magnetic leather strap to keep the case firmly closed
  • ELEGANT STYLISH DESIGN - a slim wallet case for iPhone 6 iPhone 6s, use only premium top-grain leather which is soft but not fragile, and also environmental friendly
  • MOBILITY OPTIMIZED - The stand function allows you to adjust your iPhone 6/6s in the ideal position for reading or watching video hands free
  • 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - rooCASE strive for best user experience and your feedback matters! if this case doesn't meet your needs, let us know and we'll promptly reimburse your purchase

  • The roocase Prestige is a smart and resourceful way to stylishly travel light by combining the functions of a wallet and your Apple iPhone 6s and iPhone 6 into a sleek, sharp roocase flip folio-type design. Convenience and necessity go hand in hand with the Prestige folio flip cover generously offering three card slots for credit cards, business cards or other sensitive info that you might need attached to your exclusive Apple iPhone 6s and iPhone 6. An additional feature is a cash crib allowing you to keep all forms of payment. Aside from its sophisticated look, the functionality is beyond comparable, giving the roocase Prestige the ability to stand in landscape mode, with the stable built-in media stand for viewing movies or media with ease.
    Brand: rooCASE, Model: YM-IPH6S4.7FOL-PR-BK, Color: Black

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