iPhone 6S/6 Case, Ringke [Fusion] Clear PC Back & TPU bumper [Drop Protection] Attached Dust Caps with Screen Protector For Apple iPhone 6/6S - Clear

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  • Fits perfectly on the Apple iPhone 6 4.7" (2014) / 6S 4.7" (2015). Highest quality clear case comes outfitted with laser precise clean bumper in your choice of accent color.
  • Crystal clear protection with advanced 2X tough coating enhances the original look with minimal bulk. The inside TPU corner cushions protect the iPhone 6S / 6 from drops, while offering slimness.
  • Slim TPU bumper with Active Touch Technology allows easy access to all ports and buttons. All four corners with rear defenders and tapered lips to offer vital lift design for daily usage scratches.
  • Attached Dust Caps protect charging port and audio jacks from dust and dirt. Ringke's highest engineering technology for precise tailored cutouts and dust caps are designed for impeccable perfect fit.
  • Free Bonus Value Pack: Includes 1 Free HD Screen Protector and DIY template to customize your perfect case. Keep the clean and pure look or create endless gorgeous designs with the free DIY template.

  • [Fits perfectly on the Apple iPhone 6 (2014) / 6S (2015)] Crystal Clear Protection : Crystal clear PC backing with superior coating and rubberized edge protection for a more solid and comfortable grip. Let all the color and vibrancy come alive with your perfect sophisticated frame protecting all 4-sided edges and crystal clear PC portrait back panel! Dual layer protective style improves slim and clean quality for a perfect back that doesn't discolor or blur with scratches. Innovation in Technology : Designed with Shock Absorption Technology and Enhanced Dual Coating to defend with 2x longer lasting durability. Innovative technologies including Anti-Static and Anti-Scratch Elements protect your phone against more dirt and dust than other cases. New Active Touch Technology buttons are also specially designed for a more natural responsive feel when pushing the volume and power button. Perfect Form Fitting : Ringke top rated FUSION offers a specialized tight grip against dust for all edges and protects the phone. Concise cutouts for audio jack and ports allow for easy access and no compromise to full functionality. Crystal clear frame design to contour the natural dimensions of the iPhone 6 / 6S with lasting protection and Anti-Slip comfort in your hand. Fully Customizable : Ringke's Design It Yourself provides you with a free template to help as you unleash your creativity and personalize your own fully customizable Ringke FUSION protective case. It's our way of helping you become one simple step closer to suit all your aesthetic needs. 1 FREE Bonus Invisible Defender Sheet : Maximize your value with 1 FREE extra Invisible Defender film sheet included inside as an additional bonus!
    Brand: Ringke, Model: RFS-IPH6S-CR, Color: Clear, Size: iPhone 6s / 6

    Custom Tab 01

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