InterDesign Chevron Fabric Closet Organizer - 16 Compartment Dresser Drawer Storage for Underwear, Socks, Tights or Belts, Taupe/Natural

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  • ORDERLY DRAWERS: Neatly store underwear, socks, neck ties, belts, baby clothes and accessories.
  • COMPACT STORAGE: Drawer organizer has 16 small cubbies and measures 13.75" x 10.5" x 3.5" high.
  • FLEXIBLE FABRIC: Breathable fabric closet organizer with reinforced panels, collapses for storage.
  • EASY CLEAN: Low maintenance chevron design closet storage - wipe clean with a damp cloth.
  • THE INTERDESIGN PROMISE: Bringing you elegant, affordable home products for over 40 years.

  • This stylish closet organizer is made of soft, breathable polypropylene fabric with reinforced panels, and is perfect for storing small items such as underwear, socks, belts and accessories, or kids or baby clothing. Divided into 16 compartments, the organizer sits neatly in drawers or on closet shelves, and the open top design keeps the clothing or accessories organized, visible and easy to access. Low maintenance, the durable storage organizer can be wiped clean with a damp cloth and the neutral design fits with any home décor. Perfect for closets, nurseries, bedrooms, dorms and more, the closet organizer collapses for easy storage when not in use. InterDesign's creative products enhance your décor, turning simple home solutions into must-have accessories that shine. Designed in the USA, we are proud to produce a wide selection of high quality home, bath and storage solutions that excite, inspire and charm. Stylish, functional and affordable, our products have been enriching customers' homes for over 40 years. InterDesign: innovative products, exceptional value.
    Brand: InterDesign, Model: 4321, Color: Chevron, Size: 16 Compartments

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