Ideal-Tridon 68 Series Stainless Steel 201/301 Worm Gear Hose Clamp, General Purpose, 16 SAE Size, Fits 3/4-7/8 Hose ID, 18 mm - 38 mm Hose OD Range (Pack of 10)

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  • Stainless steel band for resistance to scaling and corrosion
  • Stainless steel screw resists corrosion
  • Worm gear mechanism for precise band adjustment
  • Band width of 9/16" provides greater sealing area than smaller width band

  • The Ideal-Tridon 68 series stainless steel worm gear clamp has a stainless steel band, housing, and screw, and is for general purpose use. A worm gear mechanism adjusts the clamp's diameter to precisely apply sealing pressure. The band's 9/16” width provides a greater sealing area than clamps of smaller width. The band is made of stainless steel that conforms to the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) 201 standard and the housing is made of SAE 301 stainless steel, each providing resistance to scaling and corrosion. The slotted, 5/16” hex-head screw allows installation using a blade screwdriver, nut driver, or socket wrench. The screw is made of SAE 410 low-carbon stainless steel that is resistant to corrosion and is hardened to prevent breaking.

    Hose clamps attach hoses to fittings to prevent flow leakage. They come in a variety of designs and distribute uniform pressure over the circumference of hoses to bind them to fittings. Hose clamps are suitable for a large number of industries, and commonly used in industrial, electronic, and automotive applications.

    Ideal Clamp Products manufactures worm gear and specialty clamps for automotive, industrial, plumbing, and marine applications. The company, founded in 1913, is headquartered in Smyrna, TN.

    Brand: Ideal-Tridon, Size: 16 SAE Size, 18 millimeters

    Custom Tab 01

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