Ideal Marketing Concepts AmiLean Advanced Cellulite Slimming Lotion -- 8 fl oz

Ideal Marketing Concepts
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  • Weight Loss / Energy
  • Supplements
  • AmiLean
  • Encino. CA 91426

  • AmiLean Toning Lotion, an innovative product created by AmiLean, is a lotion which is designed to help you tone up your body, lose inches, shrink your waistline, promote healthy skin, and help eradicate cellulite buildup in those problem areas.Many times we work our bodies to the bone, to tone them up, and get rid of that unwanted body fat, but we are left with those problem areas (the stomach, the arms, the thighs and the buttocks). It seems almost impossible to get the desired results with just exercise alone. We're often left with a layer of fat which we can't just seem to shake off. In men it's generally around our midriffs, and For Women it's generally those embarrassing little dimples they get on their thighs from cellulite. The Tried and True, and Forever Blue:There are many procedures and injections available on the market today such as; liposuction, costly injections, and cosmetic surgery.Liposuction is a very costly and dangerous procedure, if not performed properly you can have excess bits of fat floating around in your body, just waiting to cause a plug somewhere vital.. Not to mention your stomach is generally in agony for weeks afterward!Costly injections were another way to go, but these have found to have very adverse side effects if used for the long term. They generally worked in a way which was to burn the fat off using harmful chemical compounds.. And you don't really want to be injecting that sort of junk into your body do youCosmetic surgery has been used for a long time. Stapling, Tucking, Sucking, all the ING's have been used, not with much success, as they cause more harm to the body than good.AmiLean has spent a lot of time and money researching this problem, and have come up with the solution; AmiLean Toning Lotion.And the solution is... Asthma Medicine Around 15 years ago, the boys over at UCLA observed a very interesting phenomena.. When they injected test subjects with ...
    Brand: Ideal Marketing Concepts, Size: 8 oz

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