Humangear GoBites Uno, Gray

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Brand humangear
Model HG0400
Color Gray
Size Uno

  • Made from a special, extremely durable nylon. Dishwasher safe (top rack only) - FDA food-safe - 100% BPA-, PC-and phthalate-free.
  • Say goodbye to silly spoons-with-tines that don't work as either a spoon or a fork
  • Built with smarter ends, including a spoon deep enough to slurp soup and low-curvature edges to scrape container  walls
  • Fork has tines long enough to twirl spaghetti and "splitter tines" on each edge for easy soft-food splitting
  • Unique U-shaped head orientation also makes Uno much more comfortable to hold compared to competitive  combination tools that poke and jab you

  • GoBites took over two years to develop, but we think they were worth the wait. We wanted to create eating tools that many different types of people can use in many different situations, and we wanted to make them simple, extremely durable, and a joy to use. We're confident that we've achieved all of that and more with GoBites. Uno is our take on what a hybrid utensil should be. We've evolved the tool in notable ways, with smarter tool ends and a more comfortable form.

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