Hosa CFS-606 Molded Right-Angle Guitar Patch Cable, 6 inch (6 pack)

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  • 6-inch jumper cable for pedal effects
  • Angled 1/4-inch connectors
  • Six Pack of Jumper Cables

  • An affordable and convenient way to connect side-input/output effect pedals. This 6-inch cable has right angle plugs so you can place your pedals very close together without unnecessary lengths of cable lying on the floor. This works to clean up your rig and eliminate unwanted noise. Hosa's injection-molded cable terminations, for which they have become famous, have a built-in strain relief and carry their no-questions-asked Limited Lifetime Warranty. Recording studios, stage racks, keyboards and effects devices all can be connected with molded assemblies like their CPP-, CPR-, and CRA-series cables and snakes which perform just as well as much more expensive cables with metal-headshell assemblies. Hosa began business in 1984 with the belief that less-expensive doesn't have to mean "cheaper", and that it simply isn't necessary to connect your equipment with "NASA-approved", gold-plated cables thick enough to tow an eighteen-wheeler. So, if you can't afford to spend a week's equipment allowance for a few cables then look no further than the Hosa brand for professional cables that work as hard as you do. In the regular Hosa line, they pay strict attention to the basics of cable design and construction. They make sure that their cables are well-shielded from external sources of radio-frequency and current-induced noise and that they're of the proper gauge and of high copper purity to ensure low capacitance. In addition, Hosa uses correct soldering techniques to eliminate "cold-solder" joints which could cause intermittent connections or "ground hums". And finally they make sure that the jacket and head-shell/strain-relief combination are rugged enough to withstand the rigors of the intended application. Hosa provides all of these benefits in every cable they make, and they back them up with a Limited Lifetime Warranty.
    Brand: Hosa, Model: CFS606, Color: Black

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