White unity candle decorated with a satin rosette and ribbon and contained in a heart the words This Day I Will Marry My Friend, The One I Laugh With, Live For, Dream With, Love
Pillar candle is 9-inches tall and 3-inches diameter
Set includes 2 white taper candles, each 10-inches tall
Charming candle works beautifully with many different colors and patterns
Hortense B. Hewitt has been a leader in top-quality wedding supplies for more than 60 years
Add a simple message of love and friendship to your wedding with the words This Day I Will Marry My Friend The One I Laugh With, Live For, Dream With, Love. White pillar candle is also decorated with a satin rosette and ribbon. Set also includes 2 10-inch pillar candles. Lighting a Unity Candle during your wedding ceremony is a special way to symbolize joining together. Decorated candles are also beautiful additions to receptions and other events celebrating love. Your wedding deserves the best - and the best comes from Hortense B. Hewitt, the leader in quality wedding accessories for more than 60 years. Brand: Hortense B, Model: 94705, Color: White, Size: 10-Inches
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